
Details : Typed Assembly Language: TAL
Typed Assembly Language: TAL

Extends traditional untyped assembly languages with typing annotations, memory management primitives, and sound set of typing rules. The typing rules guarantee memory safety, control flow safety, type safety of TAL programs. What do you want to type check today?
Details : Softpanorama Assembler Links
Softpanorama Assembler Links

Great site. Many excellent links, many in Russian.
Details : Linux Assembly
Linux Assembly

On this site you will find various resources ranging from tutorials, documentation up to actual Linux and Unix tools written in assembly language.
Details : Metalab Linux assember software FTP archives
Metalab Linux assember software FTP archives

Many assemblers, tools, docs for many systems: Asl, Asm, Asm68xx, Dasm, Nasm, Optimizer, Tas, Zmac, Structured Macros for 8051 assemblers, Intel/Motorola Hex file format to binary converter, more.
Details : 6502 Web Ring
6502 Web Ring

Hardware and software, programming and historical aspects of the 6502, 65C02. Home-built computers based on the 6502. Operating Systems for the 6502 and derivatives.
Details : Bixoft: Why assembler?
Bixoft: Why assembler?

Advantages of assembly programming, prejudices against it, exposes myths.
Details : Assembler Gems
Assembler Gems

Intel x86 and Motorola assembler snippets. Good collection of assembler algorithms in an easy to read format.
Details : Assembly HOWTO
Assembly HOWTO

by Konstantin Boldyshev, François-René Rideau: insightful, general systems and usage philosophy, and tips.
Details : Asl

Free, powerful cross assembler for many microcontrollers and processors.
Details : ARM assembler programming site
ARM assembler programming site

Targetted towards the ARM (2 thru 7, and StrongARM) from RISC OS, you may begin programming simply by using the BASIC assembler built into your computer. If you are a C programmer, the APCS is described.
Details : Assembly Language forum at Tek-Tips
Assembly Language forum at Tek-Tips

Assembly Language technical support forums and mutual help system for computer professionals. Selling and recruiting forbidden.
Details : Assembly Language Journal
Assembly Language Journal

Online magazine which is covering assembly language programming techniques.
Details : Assembly Tutorial List
Assembly Tutorial List

Online tutorial list for Assembly language, education for beginners and advanced users.
Details : Assemblylanguage.Net

List of assembly language resources.
Details : Telemark Cross Assembler
Telemark Cross Assembler

A cross assembler lot processor families (include 64k,x86,Z80).
Details : 6502 Cross-Development Languages and Tools
6502 Cross-Development Languages and Tools

List of cross-platform assemblers and disassemblers targeting 6502 microprocessor, focus: Commodore 8-bit computers.
Details : CrossIt: 8051 cross assembler
CrossIt: 8051 cross assembler

To target AV (Atmel AT 90), Pentium, ...
Details : Aware to open source software: Assembly Languages
Aware to open source software: Assembly Languages

Collection of links to assemblers, simulators, interpreters, all with source code.
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