Computer Humor

Details : Netmonkey Magazine - The Netmonkey Web Survey, Part II
Netmonkey Magazine - The Netmonkey Web Survey, Part II

Netmonkey's Web Survey, Part II. The browser wars.
Details : Absolutely Amazing Greeting Cards - Puter Toons Collection
Absolutely Amazing Greeting Cards - Puter Toons Collection

Send an electronic greeting card to someone today! Free!
Details : Geeks! Cartoons by Julie Sigwart
Geeks! Cartoons by Julie Sigwart

Internet exclusive! Weekly cartoon of Silicon Valley life, work, relationships, and sex (or lack thereof).
Details : Madeleine Begun Kane, Humor Columnist
Madeleine Begun Kane, Humor Columnist

Award winning Humor Columnist, Madeleine Begun Kane, is Raising Kane about computers, technology, the Internet, privacy, Web surfing, tax software, navigation software, and technophobia.
Details : NetBoy(R).com

Visit for the latest comics, the hottest netboy news, and custom built websites from NetBoy®.
Details : Bad Use of Bandwidth
Bad Use of Bandwidth

A Bad Use of Bandwidth details all the great ways you can waste bandwith. Don't try this on your homepage...
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